The Bed & Breakfast Inns featured on this site offer the best in accommodations when choosing a place to stay in Galena. Each inn offers a variety of special amenities and packages to make your stay memorable and fun. We offer a wide variety of settings, from being located directly downtown, to being nearby, to country settings, meeting the travel experience you are seeking.
The Best of Galena offers more than beautiful places to stay, however. We are a non-for-profit organization of local innkeepers operating for the good of the community. Hosting fundraisers and events, supporting the arts, food pantries, and other public services in the community, Best of Galena embodies the spirit of an innkeeper as a servant to help others. Members of Best of Galena believe a willingness to help and serve are essential characteristics of an innkeeper and through Best of Galena we are able to share our gifts with the community as well as the visitors of Galena.
To view a brief summary of each inn click on any of them and read about their offerings. Then, select the inn that is just right for you. From all the innkeepers here, who are members of Best of Galena, we hope you have a memorable and enjoyable stay in Galena.